"My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have struck hand in pledge for another, if you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth..."
Ever read a passage from the Bible and wonder what the heck it's talking about? I don't know about you but in today's culture it doesn't seem this is applicable anymore. I mean come on, who strikes a deal with his neighbor and gets "ensnared" by a pledge to someone else.
Oh wait, what if your neighbors are named Bob and Thelma Visa on one side of you, and on the other side of you is the Mastercard family? What if those are the neighbors Solomon is talking about. Oh snap...that hits closer to home. I don't have neighbors named Visa or Amex, but I carry around their pictures in my wallet like they are my Pride and Joy. So this post will serve mostly as a time of confession and if it moves you toward Godly action then good for you!
Today we are facing an epidemic of being trapped by what we have said. What we said when we signed the Mortgage or the Credit Agreement was that we would pay back all the money we borrowed. Right?
"But Chris it isn't my fault, if only the economy hadn't tanked then I'd be fine right now. You see I'd be able to refi my house and pull out the equity..."
Hey I'm right there with you. I bought a house 5 years ago that is worth 45% of what I paid for it, and now Barack is going to help me with the balance. So please don't read this as a condescending poke at anyone in debt right now. I'm in over my head at the moment (thanks for the floaties Barack ;).
Here is what we need to focus on at this point-- Living according to the financial principals of God's word would have avoided this whole financial mess. Not only mess on Wall Street but also the mess on My Street.
Solomon continues: "Allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids. Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler. Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise..."
In other words don't rest until you are out from under the mess you got yourself into.
God's financial plan is simple...don't owe anyone money. Take care of your family. Take care of those around you.
If only we would start putting this simple and sound advice into practice...if only! I want to challenge you to take small step toward financial freedom. The next thing you think about buying- don't. Start with something as simple as coffee or cheeseburgers. Small victories over our habit of sending and over-indulgence will help us all take the steps we need toward God's financial plan.
If you find yourself worrying about money think about this statement:
You and I control what we make and what we spend. Worry doesn't change the bottom line of either category. Diligence and Discipline in all areas, but especially money always "pays off" in the end.
I believe that the government will find more ways to spur on the economy faster and many people who are unemployed today will find jobs soon. What if all the smart people started living below their means? Could we avoid the next inevitable down-turn? I bet we could.
Maybe today we need to quit looking to Wall Street or The White House to solve our problems, but turn to the pages of God's Word and investigate what it says about today's issues.
What are some simple ways you've found to save a few bucks recently?
Thanks for this post. I read it right before I started looking on Amazon for Christmas gifts....I think we need to cut back on those this year. :/ We've recently been planning out more meals during the week instead of eating out so much.
Amen! I've stopped paying someone to do my yardwork and have been doing it myself (maybe not the best, but no HOA letters as of yet). When I worked outside of the home I payed for housekeeping, but now that I work from home I do it myself. A lot to keep up with as a single parent, so quality and frequency is sacrificed somewhat, but you do what you gotta do! Also cooking more now that I'm working from home, and no drycleaning bills as well. Taking on extra sidejobs, etc. Still barely getting by, but God always provides! Nice post, Chris. Thank you.
thank you chris! We are going to cancel cable. we canceled our phone a while ago and canceled the cleaning lady. we dont need all of that.
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