Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I've always liked the number 37. When the teacher would ask for a number to use as an example for a math problem, I'd yell out 37. Usually she was looking for a number like 5 or 10 for simplicity sake. Apparently 37 isn't that simple of a number.

Today I turn 37, and for the next year the non-simple number of 37 will describe my age. I am one of those people who get introspective on birthdays. I think about the last year and I look ahead to the next one. So hear are some of those thoughts. Next post will get us back on our look at Closing Gaps through Proverbs.

This past year has been a blur. I didn't sleep at a hospital, which was a great improvement over the previous year! I did visit a couple times for minor procedures, but that's not too bad. I was incredibly blessed by CCV with a 2 month Sabbatical, during which God called me to Flagstaff. That was pretty cool. My dad has lived with us this past year, and it has been awesome. I just read the opening of Outliers and it mentions the benefits of 3 generational living and I can attest to that firsthand. It is truly a blessing to have him with us. Everyone is better for it!

This past year has been the best so far in regards to my relationship with Kristi. She is an incredible woman with so many talents and ideas. She supported my decision to come to Flagstaff and is ready to help win this city for Christ. I look back and realize the first 5 years of our marriage sucked. The next 5 we were learning how to raise kids and deal with each other without trying to change each other. The last 4 years have been the best and each one is getting better. I know people say this all the time, but my wife is truly my best friend. Usually when people say that, they really don't have any other friends so by default the best friend position doesn't require a lot. Well that's not my situation. I have a couple of other guys I am close too and consider them incredible friends. But the last few years I have developed a friendship with Kristi that is unique and incredible. As I look to this next year ahead, I am excited to live this adventure with her.

The next year I am looking to grow in many areas. I believe that this season of life is God preparing me and assisting me in closing some of the gaps that still exist. I will chronicle those efforts this coming year here in this blog. I am looking at spending a lot of time and energy putting what God is doing in my life into formats that can help others who need Him in their lives as well.

Here's to 37 more.

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