Solomon has devoted a lot space in his book to the subject of Adultery. I think that should indicate the importance of sexual purity. From what I know about Solomon’s personal life, I feel like I’m reading a letter from a friend or maybe even a father figure. The letter would start with something like…”I’ve really messed this part of my life up so learn from my mistakes.” It is entirely possible that Solomon wrote many of the proverbs we have today before he acquired hundreds of wives and concubines, it’s hard to say.
I find it striking that he begins a section devoted to avoiding the temptations of an adulteress with this:
“My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.”
Sounds to me like a formula to avoid most of the temptations that come our way. Turn your attention to the Word of God. In Psalm 119 it says,
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
I believe that each of us should find 3-4 passages of scripture that deal with an area of temptation and commit those to memory. Then we will be following the advice found in Psalm 119. Go ahead try it. If you struggle with jealousy then find a few verses that will put your focus back where it needs to be and memorize them.
In Proverbs 7 as Solomon goes through the process that a woman can seduce a man he shows us the consequences of our sexual sins. It’s not getting caught, causing your spouse pain, or guilt for going astray. You see it is much more serious than that. He says, to follow the path of the seductress is to dig your own grave (v 27).
If you are following a seductress down a path, wondering where it might lead realize this, it leads to your death. You will start to slowly die from the inside out. It may be exciting at first and not feel like your dying but you are on a roller coaster that is about to fly off the track. The ride is fun at first, but pretty soon you’re out of control and only a crash landing brings the ride to an end.
Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that the women online aren’t adulteresses…quit lying to yourself. I’ve been there- trust me it’s a slow death.
Maybe you’re thinking the flirting and conversations at work or school won’t lead to anything…quit lying to yourself. Read verses 10-23.
Maybe you need to commit a few verses to memory. Here are some I’ve been working on:
Proverbs 25:28
I Peter 5:8
Colossians 3:5
I John 2:16
Proverbs 5:18, 19 (my favorite)
Look at 7:18- the adulteress says, “let’s drink deep of love until morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love!”
We have to realize that we often confuse lust with love. We convince ourselves that our lust (our desire to please ourselves) is really love. Lust and love are two very different things and when we can call lust by its real name it loses so much of its power and hold over us. As long as lust is concealed it controls us, but once it’s brought to light we are free from its grip.
Take the first step and call your sin by its name. Go ahead say it out loud to God. Now find a trusted friend and tell them where you’ve been struggling. Find your verses and start to fight back, but remember that when we fail God’s grace is sufficient.
Which verse from this chapter get’s your attention and why?
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