Take a look with me at Matthew 9. Have you ever tried to “win” someone to Christ and it just didn’t work out? I know I have- many times. I recently listened to a sermon from Andy Stanley entitled “Follow” I give him credit for many of the thoughts found here. Go ahead go read Matthew 9 and then come back here.
I find it very fascinating to look at how Jesus “did” evangelism compared to how we normally do it. Jesus comes across Matthew who is obviously far from God. Put yourself in the shoes of Jesus for a moment. You are walking by a sinner so despised in his day that he was given his very own label of sinnership, you always see listed sinners and tax collectors. Matthew was so far from God and the rest of the Jewish community they wouldn’t even include him in with regular sinners like prostitutes. What do you say or do in an attempt to help Matthew come to know God and connect with the Father in a meaningful way?
Would you walk him down the Roman’s road? Show him people in the Old Testament who are far more sinful than he? Would you ask him to leave his life of sin and extortion behind? Would you invite him to your church’s next outreach event? Seriously what would you do? Turn or burn? Explain the logical rationale behind God wanting a relationship with Matthew?
Stop and think about what would you do if you walked down the hall of your office, your school, or next door and tried to share Christ with the worst sinner you know?
Look at what Jesus did. He invited Matthew to Follow Him. Pause, reflect on that. When was the last time a preacher gave the invitation to simply take one step behind Jesus and follow him? We usually say, believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and Jesus is the perfect sacrifice for you and the despicable life you have chosen to rebelliously live. Then we follow that up with stop sinning. Next will come an invitation to a class or learning opportunity at the church. Then baptism is mixed in at various stages of the process depending on your particular background.
Jesus didn’t ask Matthew to change; he didn’t even ask him to believe that he was the Messiah. What Jesus knew about Matthew is what he knows about everyone far from the Father today. If they will start to follow the Son He will lead them to the Father and they will then believe.
At the end of this chapter Jesus looks at the people all around him and his heart is broken. The author (Matthew) records that the people were harassed and helpless, when people are far from the Father, Jesus responds. He is still inviting people today to follow him. He told his disciples the “harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” That is still true today. The harvest is more than plentiful. So why aren’t more people coming to restoration with their Father and Creator? We have plenty of people in the pews. Everyone who is far from God knows the location of their nearest Christian- right? Please don’t confuse being a Christian with being a worker. Every Christian is literally “called out” to do the work of the harvest, but that clearly is not the case. Please don’t read this and think about the other Christians at your church or group that won’t go out in the field and work the harvest. You and I are the answer to the shortage of workers.
We must follow the example of Jesus and invite those around each and every one of us to “follow him.” The road is not always clear when you follow Jesus, but it starts with today saying, I will try to live as I think Christ would have me to live.
Agree/Disagree- post your thoughts below. Here is the link to the Podcast from Stanley.
Have you ever noticed a gap between who you are and who you were made to be? I have and this is about the adventure to close the gaps between who I am and who I was made to be.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gaps at your church?
The theme of this blog is somewhat obvious from the title. So let's deal a bit with gaps at churches.
For my friends who volunteer, work, or lead in a church setting: What are some of the the gaps between where your church is and where it should be in 2 years?
For my friends who don't really go to church all that often: What are the gaps between the churches you've been too and the one you would attend if you could just find it?
You can post your answers or message them me on Facebook if you don't want your boss to see them.
For my friends who volunteer, work, or lead in a church setting: What are some of the the gaps between where your church is and where it should be in 2 years?
For my friends who don't really go to church all that often: What are the gaps between the churches you've been too and the one you would attend if you could just find it?
You can post your answers or message them me on Facebook if you don't want your boss to see them.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Proverbs 7
Solomon has devoted a lot space in his book to the subject of Adultery. I think that should indicate the importance of sexual purity. From what I know about Solomon’s personal life, I feel like I’m reading a letter from a friend or maybe even a father figure. The letter would start with something like…”I’ve really messed this part of my life up so learn from my mistakes.” It is entirely possible that Solomon wrote many of the proverbs we have today before he acquired hundreds of wives and concubines, it’s hard to say.
I find it striking that he begins a section devoted to avoiding the temptations of an adulteress with this:
“My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.”
Sounds to me like a formula to avoid most of the temptations that come our way. Turn your attention to the Word of God. In Psalm 119 it says,
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
I believe that each of us should find 3-4 passages of scripture that deal with an area of temptation and commit those to memory. Then we will be following the advice found in Psalm 119. Go ahead try it. If you struggle with jealousy then find a few verses that will put your focus back where it needs to be and memorize them.
In Proverbs 7 as Solomon goes through the process that a woman can seduce a man he shows us the consequences of our sexual sins. It’s not getting caught, causing your spouse pain, or guilt for going astray. You see it is much more serious than that. He says, to follow the path of the seductress is to dig your own grave (v 27).
If you are following a seductress down a path, wondering where it might lead realize this, it leads to your death. You will start to slowly die from the inside out. It may be exciting at first and not feel like your dying but you are on a roller coaster that is about to fly off the track. The ride is fun at first, but pretty soon you’re out of control and only a crash landing brings the ride to an end.
Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that the women online aren’t adulteresses…quit lying to yourself. I’ve been there- trust me it’s a slow death.
Maybe you’re thinking the flirting and conversations at work or school won’t lead to anything…quit lying to yourself. Read verses 10-23.
Maybe you need to commit a few verses to memory. Here are some I’ve been working on:
Proverbs 25:28
I Peter 5:8
Colossians 3:5
I John 2:16
Proverbs 5:18, 19 (my favorite)
Look at 7:18- the adulteress says, “let’s drink deep of love until morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love!”
We have to realize that we often confuse lust with love. We convince ourselves that our lust (our desire to please ourselves) is really love. Lust and love are two very different things and when we can call lust by its real name it loses so much of its power and hold over us. As long as lust is concealed it controls us, but once it’s brought to light we are free from its grip.
Take the first step and call your sin by its name. Go ahead say it out loud to God. Now find a trusted friend and tell them where you’ve been struggling. Find your verses and start to fight back, but remember that when we fail God’s grace is sufficient.
Which verse from this chapter get’s your attention and why?
I find it striking that he begins a section devoted to avoiding the temptations of an adulteress with this:
“My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.”
Sounds to me like a formula to avoid most of the temptations that come our way. Turn your attention to the Word of God. In Psalm 119 it says,
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
I believe that each of us should find 3-4 passages of scripture that deal with an area of temptation and commit those to memory. Then we will be following the advice found in Psalm 119. Go ahead try it. If you struggle with jealousy then find a few verses that will put your focus back where it needs to be and memorize them.
In Proverbs 7 as Solomon goes through the process that a woman can seduce a man he shows us the consequences of our sexual sins. It’s not getting caught, causing your spouse pain, or guilt for going astray. You see it is much more serious than that. He says, to follow the path of the seductress is to dig your own grave (v 27).
If you are following a seductress down a path, wondering where it might lead realize this, it leads to your death. You will start to slowly die from the inside out. It may be exciting at first and not feel like your dying but you are on a roller coaster that is about to fly off the track. The ride is fun at first, but pretty soon you’re out of control and only a crash landing brings the ride to an end.
Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that the women online aren’t adulteresses…quit lying to yourself. I’ve been there- trust me it’s a slow death.
Maybe you’re thinking the flirting and conversations at work or school won’t lead to anything…quit lying to yourself. Read verses 10-23.
Maybe you need to commit a few verses to memory. Here are some I’ve been working on:
Proverbs 25:28
I Peter 5:8
Colossians 3:5
I John 2:16
Proverbs 5:18, 19 (my favorite)
Look at 7:18- the adulteress says, “let’s drink deep of love until morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love!”
We have to realize that we often confuse lust with love. We convince ourselves that our lust (our desire to please ourselves) is really love. Lust and love are two very different things and when we can call lust by its real name it loses so much of its power and hold over us. As long as lust is concealed it controls us, but once it’s brought to light we are free from its grip.
Take the first step and call your sin by its name. Go ahead say it out loud to God. Now find a trusted friend and tell them where you’ve been struggling. Find your verses and start to fight back, but remember that when we fail God’s grace is sufficient.
Which verse from this chapter get’s your attention and why?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I've always liked the number 37. When the teacher would ask for a number to use as an example for a math problem, I'd yell out 37. Usually she was looking for a number like 5 or 10 for simplicity sake. Apparently 37 isn't that simple of a number.
Today I turn 37, and for the next year the non-simple number of 37 will describe my age. I am one of those people who get introspective on birthdays. I think about the last year and I look ahead to the next one. So hear are some of those thoughts. Next post will get us back on our look at Closing Gaps through Proverbs.
This past year has been a blur. I didn't sleep at a hospital, which was a great improvement over the previous year! I did visit a couple times for minor procedures, but that's not too bad. I was incredibly blessed by CCV with a 2 month Sabbatical, during which God called me to Flagstaff. That was pretty cool. My dad has lived with us this past year, and it has been awesome. I just read the opening of Outliers and it mentions the benefits of 3 generational living and I can attest to that firsthand. It is truly a blessing to have him with us. Everyone is better for it!
This past year has been the best so far in regards to my relationship with Kristi. She is an incredible woman with so many talents and ideas. She supported my decision to come to Flagstaff and is ready to help win this city for Christ. I look back and realize the first 5 years of our marriage sucked. The next 5 we were learning how to raise kids and deal with each other without trying to change each other. The last 4 years have been the best and each one is getting better. I know people say this all the time, but my wife is truly my best friend. Usually when people say that, they really don't have any other friends so by default the best friend position doesn't require a lot. Well that's not my situation. I have a couple of other guys I am close too and consider them incredible friends. But the last few years I have developed a friendship with Kristi that is unique and incredible. As I look to this next year ahead, I am excited to live this adventure with her.
The next year I am looking to grow in many areas. I believe that this season of life is God preparing me and assisting me in closing some of the gaps that still exist. I will chronicle those efforts this coming year here in this blog. I am looking at spending a lot of time and energy putting what God is doing in my life into formats that can help others who need Him in their lives as well.
Here's to 37 more.
Today I turn 37, and for the next year the non-simple number of 37 will describe my age. I am one of those people who get introspective on birthdays. I think about the last year and I look ahead to the next one. So hear are some of those thoughts. Next post will get us back on our look at Closing Gaps through Proverbs.
This past year has been a blur. I didn't sleep at a hospital, which was a great improvement over the previous year! I did visit a couple times for minor procedures, but that's not too bad. I was incredibly blessed by CCV with a 2 month Sabbatical, during which God called me to Flagstaff. That was pretty cool. My dad has lived with us this past year, and it has been awesome. I just read the opening of Outliers and it mentions the benefits of 3 generational living and I can attest to that firsthand. It is truly a blessing to have him with us. Everyone is better for it!
This past year has been the best so far in regards to my relationship with Kristi. She is an incredible woman with so many talents and ideas. She supported my decision to come to Flagstaff and is ready to help win this city for Christ. I look back and realize the first 5 years of our marriage sucked. The next 5 we were learning how to raise kids and deal with each other without trying to change each other. The last 4 years have been the best and each one is getting better. I know people say this all the time, but my wife is truly my best friend. Usually when people say that, they really don't have any other friends so by default the best friend position doesn't require a lot. Well that's not my situation. I have a couple of other guys I am close too and consider them incredible friends. But the last few years I have developed a friendship with Kristi that is unique and incredible. As I look to this next year ahead, I am excited to live this adventure with her.
The next year I am looking to grow in many areas. I believe that this season of life is God preparing me and assisting me in closing some of the gaps that still exist. I will chronicle those efforts this coming year here in this blog. I am looking at spending a lot of time and energy putting what God is doing in my life into formats that can help others who need Him in their lives as well.
Here's to 37 more.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Proverbs 6

"My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have struck hand in pledge for another, if you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth..."
Ever read a passage from the Bible and wonder what the heck it's talking about? I don't know about you but in today's culture it doesn't seem this is applicable anymore. I mean come on, who strikes a deal with his neighbor and gets "ensnared" by a pledge to someone else.
Oh wait, what if your neighbors are named Bob and Thelma Visa on one side of you, and on the other side of you is the Mastercard family? What if those are the neighbors Solomon is talking about. Oh snap...that hits closer to home. I don't have neighbors named Visa or Amex, but I carry around their pictures in my wallet like they are my Pride and Joy. So this post will serve mostly as a time of confession and if it moves you toward Godly action then good for you!
Today we are facing an epidemic of being trapped by what we have said. What we said when we signed the Mortgage or the Credit Agreement was that we would pay back all the money we borrowed. Right?
"But Chris it isn't my fault, if only the economy hadn't tanked then I'd be fine right now. You see I'd be able to refi my house and pull out the equity..."
Hey I'm right there with you. I bought a house 5 years ago that is worth 45% of what I paid for it, and now Barack is going to help me with the balance. So please don't read this as a condescending poke at anyone in debt right now. I'm in over my head at the moment (thanks for the floaties Barack ;).
Here is what we need to focus on at this point-- Living according to the financial principals of God's word would have avoided this whole financial mess. Not only mess on Wall Street but also the mess on My Street.
Solomon continues: "Allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids. Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler. Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise..."
In other words don't rest until you are out from under the mess you got yourself into.
God's financial plan is simple...don't owe anyone money. Take care of your family. Take care of those around you.
If only we would start putting this simple and sound advice into practice...if only! I want to challenge you to take small step toward financial freedom. The next thing you think about buying- don't. Start with something as simple as coffee or cheeseburgers. Small victories over our habit of sending and over-indulgence will help us all take the steps we need toward God's financial plan.
If you find yourself worrying about money think about this statement:
You and I control what we make and what we spend. Worry doesn't change the bottom line of either category. Diligence and Discipline in all areas, but especially money always "pays off" in the end.
I believe that the government will find more ways to spur on the economy faster and many people who are unemployed today will find jobs soon. What if all the smart people started living below their means? Could we avoid the next inevitable down-turn? I bet we could.
Maybe today we need to quit looking to Wall Street or The White House to solve our problems, but turn to the pages of God's Word and investigate what it says about today's issues.
What are some simple ways you've found to save a few bucks recently?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Proverbs 5
Well that is not a pretty word. The NIV actually titles this chapter of Proverbs, "Warning Against Adultery".
Verse 3: "for the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil"
Here is what Solomon says, and has been obsesrved over and over again. Women can be tricky. They are nicer, prettier, and more interesting before you start sleeping with them. But guys, the reality is you are the same way. All of us put more work into something we don't have yet, than the things we are taking for granted. So many affairs and immoral activities begin with a spouse thinking..."my spouse sure used to be more interesting, responsive to my advances, willing to have fun in bed, take me to dinner and movies, pour me the glass of wine, listen to me talk for hours, play soft music instead of Halo"....the list goes on and on.
Affairs need two basic ingredients (in my opinion) 1. unfulfilled expectations. 2. Drifting thoughts.
1. Unfulfilled expectations- Life happens and our relationships change. If you want your spouse to act like she's 25 again, then you should probably start treating her like she's 25, you know back when you came home from work on time and did stuff with her. When your weekends weren't on the golf course, but were at home. When she asked you to rub her feet and you thought it was cute. We all start out so focused and able to serve one another. But why does it change? I have no idea other than my life is different now than it was back in the "good ole days" and I suspect yours is too.
I'm not saying you have to settle and remove all expectation from your marriage relationships. What happens all-too-often is that you and I are looking to our spouse to fill a void they can't fill. Then we give ourselves permission (usually over a long period of time) to look to others to fill the voids that exist. At the end of the day if we quit worrying about what our spouse isn't doing for us, and looked to meet their needs then we wouldn't be susceptible to the honey dripping lips of an adulteress.
2. Drifting thoughts are pretty self-explanatory. You think about someone that isn't your spouse, or situations that don't invovle him/her. When you find yourself asking questions like, "I wonder what that would be like?" of "I wonder if anyone would find out?" of "I wonder if anyone will wake up tonight while I look at this?" ....well then you have officially entered the world of Drifting Thoughts. Your mind is like a boat and your boat needs an anchor or it will drift upon the ocean of images and temptations our culture has today. Just a few days ago my son said to me, "dad all the kids at school are talking about girls and sex and stuff...it makes it hard not to think about it." Well ain't that the truth son! Guard your heart. Be careful little eyes what you see. Drifting thoughts seem harmless, but that's just a lie people with drifting thoughts tell themselves.
So what's the solution, how do we avoid the adulteress? Read Proverbs 5 a couple of times today. Solomon said,
"May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
A loving doe, a graceful deer--may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be
captivated by her love."
Focus on your spouse. Do something for them you haven't done in years. Go on a date without your smart phone. Take captive every drifting thought. Memorize scriptures like the one above.
What are some scripture you've committed to memory to help you in this area of life? What are some other ways to avoid the adulteress?
Well that is not a pretty word. The NIV actually titles this chapter of Proverbs, "Warning Against Adultery".
Verse 3: "for the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil"
Here is what Solomon says, and has been obsesrved over and over again. Women can be tricky. They are nicer, prettier, and more interesting before you start sleeping with them. But guys, the reality is you are the same way. All of us put more work into something we don't have yet, than the things we are taking for granted. So many affairs and immoral activities begin with a spouse thinking..."my spouse sure used to be more interesting, responsive to my advances, willing to have fun in bed, take me to dinner and movies, pour me the glass of wine, listen to me talk for hours, play soft music instead of Halo"....the list goes on and on.
Affairs need two basic ingredients (in my opinion) 1. unfulfilled expectations. 2. Drifting thoughts.
1. Unfulfilled expectations- Life happens and our relationships change. If you want your spouse to act like she's 25 again, then you should probably start treating her like she's 25, you know back when you came home from work on time and did stuff with her. When your weekends weren't on the golf course, but were at home. When she asked you to rub her feet and you thought it was cute. We all start out so focused and able to serve one another. But why does it change? I have no idea other than my life is different now than it was back in the "good ole days" and I suspect yours is too.
I'm not saying you have to settle and remove all expectation from your marriage relationships. What happens all-too-often is that you and I are looking to our spouse to fill a void they can't fill. Then we give ourselves permission (usually over a long period of time) to look to others to fill the voids that exist. At the end of the day if we quit worrying about what our spouse isn't doing for us, and looked to meet their needs then we wouldn't be susceptible to the honey dripping lips of an adulteress.
2. Drifting thoughts are pretty self-explanatory. You think about someone that isn't your spouse, or situations that don't invovle him/her. When you find yourself asking questions like, "I wonder what that would be like?" of "I wonder if anyone would find out?" of "I wonder if anyone will wake up tonight while I look at this?" ....well then you have officially entered the world of Drifting Thoughts. Your mind is like a boat and your boat needs an anchor or it will drift upon the ocean of images and temptations our culture has today. Just a few days ago my son said to me, "dad all the kids at school are talking about girls and sex and stuff...it makes it hard not to think about it." Well ain't that the truth son! Guard your heart. Be careful little eyes what you see. Drifting thoughts seem harmless, but that's just a lie people with drifting thoughts tell themselves.
So what's the solution, how do we avoid the adulteress? Read Proverbs 5 a couple of times today. Solomon said,
"May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
A loving doe, a graceful deer--may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be
captivated by her love."
Focus on your spouse. Do something for them you haven't done in years. Go on a date without your smart phone. Take captive every drifting thought. Memorize scriptures like the one above.
What are some scripture you've committed to memory to help you in this area of life? What are some other ways to avoid the adulteress?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Update from Flagstaff

As many of you know, the Reeds are moving to Flagstaff, AZ. For those unfamiliar with the lay of the land out west, Flag is about 120 miles north of Phoenix and sits at the base of some mountains at about 7000 ft. elevation. Northern Arizona Univ. is in Flag, and has about 18,000 students, with the total population around 65,000 or so.
I am on staff at Christ's Church of Flagstaff, which was planted 26 years ago by Jim Dorman, who had been on staff at CCV. Jim is still here and is the Senior Pastor. I'm taking over the role of Executive Pastor from the current XP, who is retiring. My first day on staff was September 16, and I've been getting to know my new co-workers, the church, and where a few key places are in Flagstaff (thank Jesus Wal-Mart and Buffalo Wild Wings are in the same complex).
I'm staying in Flagstaff most of the week with an incredible gentleman from the CC0F- Jay Garrison. He and his family are examples of a Godly family and christian hospitality. Kristi and the kids are back in Phoenix, working, going to school, cheer leading, and playing flag football. I usually go home Sunday after church and return Tuesday morning.
Now you're all updated.
So why Flagstaff? Why leave a church of 17,000 weekly attendance for one of 850? Why leave Phoenix for a small town? Why sell your house when its value is a fraction of its cost? Why be separated from your family? If you aren't asking those questions, then you can go back to Facebook and your Farmville. Someone asked me again yesterday, so I thought maybe I'd give it a shot. And if you are asking those questions don't beat yourself up, I ask them myself at some point each day. But then I remember this:
There are thousands of lost people in every city- they are all in desperate need of Jesus, not just for eternity but for today and tomorrow. At the absolute core of my being, I believe that Jesus makes your life better, and I am called to further his cause. I believe he wants to re-energize a Church which has an incredible history and credibility to turn a city "right-side-up".
Matthew 9: 37-38 says the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, well the way I look at it, there are even fewer workers who are going to come to one of the most liberal anti-christian cities in the country, so why not the Reeds? We humbly accept the call, and are excited about all the others in this church and community who are already fighting the good fight, whom we get to work and live alongside.
Are we taking a risk? Are we stepping out in faith? Not compared to my friends who live in places I can't even mention because their lives are in danger for the sake of Christ. My heroes are the ones that risk it all. We have risked a bit that's for sure. My prayer is that God would grant us the courage to risk more and more each day and that he would change the hearts of Flagstaff so everyone would know the Creator of the incredible landscape that surrounds them.
How can you risk a little more for Christ today?
How is he calling you to move out of the comfort zone?
I am on staff at Christ's Church of Flagstaff, which was planted 26 years ago by Jim Dorman, who had been on staff at CCV. Jim is still here and is the Senior Pastor. I'm taking over the role of Executive Pastor from the current XP, who is retiring. My first day on staff was September 16, and I've been getting to know my new co-workers, the church, and where a few key places are in Flagstaff (thank Jesus Wal-Mart and Buffalo Wild Wings are in the same complex).
I'm staying in Flagstaff most of the week with an incredible gentleman from the CC0F- Jay Garrison. He and his family are examples of a Godly family and christian hospitality. Kristi and the kids are back in Phoenix, working, going to school, cheer leading, and playing flag football. I usually go home Sunday after church and return Tuesday morning.
Now you're all updated.
So why Flagstaff? Why leave a church of 17,000 weekly attendance for one of 850? Why leave Phoenix for a small town? Why sell your house when its value is a fraction of its cost? Why be separated from your family? If you aren't asking those questions, then you can go back to Facebook and your Farmville. Someone asked me again yesterday, so I thought maybe I'd give it a shot. And if you are asking those questions don't beat yourself up, I ask them myself at some point each day. But then I remember this:
There are thousands of lost people in every city- they are all in desperate need of Jesus, not just for eternity but for today and tomorrow. At the absolute core of my being, I believe that Jesus makes your life better, and I am called to further his cause. I believe he wants to re-energize a Church which has an incredible history and credibility to turn a city "right-side-up".
Matthew 9: 37-38 says the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, well the way I look at it, there are even fewer workers who are going to come to one of the most liberal anti-christian cities in the country, so why not the Reeds? We humbly accept the call, and are excited about all the others in this church and community who are already fighting the good fight, whom we get to work and live alongside.
Are we taking a risk? Are we stepping out in faith? Not compared to my friends who live in places I can't even mention because their lives are in danger for the sake of Christ. My heroes are the ones that risk it all. We have risked a bit that's for sure. My prayer is that God would grant us the courage to risk more and more each day and that he would change the hearts of Flagstaff so everyone would know the Creator of the incredible landscape that surrounds them.
How can you risk a little more for Christ today?
How is he calling you to move out of the comfort zone?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Proverbs 4
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life...
Let your eyes look straight ahead fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm
Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
You want to close the gap between who you are and who God says you can be?
So much of the struggle we each have with living the way we want to live is the Path we are walking. Have you ever noticed that people trying to lose weight have a hard time at buffets? People trying to keep their eyes pure sure do struggle when they subscribe to cable.
I don't know about you, but I'm not strong enough to have Cheetos in the cabinet and not eventually eat them. Sure maybe a day or two, but as soon I get tired, angry, frustrated, or depressed the Cheetos are going to pay the price.
What it seems Solomon is saying doesn't really have to do with Cheetos. He is talking about the much more serious issue of evil. If you and I are going to overcome the temptations to be evil, then we must not walk down the path that leads to evil.
Keep your eyes pure. Make level paths for you feet. Do not swerve.
We know how to do this, we may just not want too.
Keep my eyes pure. Well figure out what your eyes are tempted to look at. Is it a woman you're not married too? Is it another woman's features or body that you wish yours looked more like? Is it a car you can't afford, a house, clothes, the corner office, or those really athletic kids your friends all seem to have?
Keep your eyes pure...because our eyes don't see reality they only see the surface or outside of things. Next time your eyes are wandering bounce them back to the incredible things God has done in your life. Make your eyes look for those in our world that are in need of Him, instead of focusing on what you feel is lacking in my life.
Make level paths. How do you complicate or manipulate the relationships you have? Be honest with people. Tell them the truth, use candor. Your path will be more level or true, if you tell the people around you the truth. It is much more difficult to hike around all the boulders of our mis-representations of our life and our own feelings. I believe we all suffer from a fear of rejection so we constantly look for ways to impress those around us. We tell lies...little white lies sometimes, but lies nonetheless. Do your closest friends know when you feel dead on the inside? If not you are a liar. Does your spouse know when you are frustrated or do you keep it deep inside to become a land mine later down the path?
Do not swerve. We all know deep down in our hearts that the ways of God are better than our ways. My problem is that I get impatient with God's timing and start to look at alternative paths and trying those for a mile or two to see if I know better than He does. Do not swerve. Many things in this life want our attention. The only thing worthy of my heart is the adventure God has for me- His Mission. Success, significance, and sizzle all distract me. (Sizzle is the noise bacon makes, it’s very distracting, and you get the point)
What are ways you can make your eyes pure, level your path, or avoid swerving?
Let your eyes look straight ahead fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm
Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
You want to close the gap between who you are and who God says you can be?
So much of the struggle we each have with living the way we want to live is the Path we are walking. Have you ever noticed that people trying to lose weight have a hard time at buffets? People trying to keep their eyes pure sure do struggle when they subscribe to cable.
I don't know about you, but I'm not strong enough to have Cheetos in the cabinet and not eventually eat them. Sure maybe a day or two, but as soon I get tired, angry, frustrated, or depressed the Cheetos are going to pay the price.
What it seems Solomon is saying doesn't really have to do with Cheetos. He is talking about the much more serious issue of evil. If you and I are going to overcome the temptations to be evil, then we must not walk down the path that leads to evil.
Keep your eyes pure. Make level paths for you feet. Do not swerve.
We know how to do this, we may just not want too.
Keep my eyes pure. Well figure out what your eyes are tempted to look at. Is it a woman you're not married too? Is it another woman's features or body that you wish yours looked more like? Is it a car you can't afford, a house, clothes, the corner office, or those really athletic kids your friends all seem to have?
Keep your eyes pure...because our eyes don't see reality they only see the surface or outside of things. Next time your eyes are wandering bounce them back to the incredible things God has done in your life. Make your eyes look for those in our world that are in need of Him, instead of focusing on what you feel is lacking in my life.
Make level paths. How do you complicate or manipulate the relationships you have? Be honest with people. Tell them the truth, use candor. Your path will be more level or true, if you tell the people around you the truth. It is much more difficult to hike around all the boulders of our mis-representations of our life and our own feelings. I believe we all suffer from a fear of rejection so we constantly look for ways to impress those around us. We tell lies...little white lies sometimes, but lies nonetheless. Do your closest friends know when you feel dead on the inside? If not you are a liar. Does your spouse know when you are frustrated or do you keep it deep inside to become a land mine later down the path?
Do not swerve. We all know deep down in our hearts that the ways of God are better than our ways. My problem is that I get impatient with God's timing and start to look at alternative paths and trying those for a mile or two to see if I know better than He does. Do not swerve. Many things in this life want our attention. The only thing worthy of my heart is the adventure God has for me- His Mission. Success, significance, and sizzle all distract me. (Sizzle is the noise bacon makes, it’s very distracting, and you get the point)
What are ways you can make your eyes pure, level your path, or avoid swerving?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Still Can't fix ourselves

This lesson I'm learning about the inability to manage my sin is powerful.
It is confusing as well. Paul in Colossians 2 says human regulations have an appearance of wisdom "with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence." 2:23
Does "self-imposed" mean I'm making myself worship or does it mean I worship myself? What do you think?
I have long understood this model of religion. I grew up in the Bible belt and the typical church wants it members to behave a certain way not be a certain kind of person. If you cuss, smoke, drink, fornicate, or run at church you may go straight to hell if Jesus comes back and catches you. No wonder we are leaving the church in droves after high school, what a happy message.
Think about it this way. Why do we need grace? Because we fall short of God's glory, right? Right. Well if I fall short of God's glory (which I do) then I don't just need grace once, I need it continually. Because the falling, it keeps happening.
Read the book Bo's Cafe, its a great story about how we can't fix ourselves.
http://www.boscafe.com/site/Behavior modification does hold some value, yes I understand that. But we have to understand it is a tool not the goal. I have to learn this lesson over and over again. Remember if you could fix yourself then you wouldn't need Jesus and his work on the Cross.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Proverbs 3 Do Good
Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. NIV
Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person. The Message.
This verse has really convicted me lately. Do not without good from those who deserve it. I’ve had to evaluate first whether or not I was guilty of withholding good…surely not you or me. Right?
When I started to think about the good I might be withholding I let myself off the hook, obviously the people around me don’t “deserve” the good I’m withholding. Look back at the verse, it says, “from those who deserve it”. So clearly the mandate of doing good isn’t to do good to everyone. Every find yourself thinking along these lines…”of course I could help you out with what you need, but I’m not quite sure you’ll learn the lesson if I bail you out”? I have found myself thinking that way before.
Thankfully, God doesn’t think along those lines. He gave me the good I didn’t deserve way before I learned any lessons or proved my ability to grow in deserving it.
Here is what I’ve trying to understand and implement-
Good is so complex.
It is food to the hungry,
it is a hug to the depressed,
it is help to the busy,
it is babysitting to the single mom,
it is encouragement to my friends,
it is time to my dad,
it is playing catch to my son,
it is reading books with one daughter and wrestling with the other one,
it is acknowledgment and time with my wife.
You see the good I could do, is different with the different people I find in my life. It is complex, but it isn’t hard to do. To do good isn’t going to solve everyone else’s problems. That is what most pastors and Christians try to do for each other. We try to fix everything. How about this? Let’s quit trying to fix everything and each other. Instead let’s do the next good thing- it is in our power to act.
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. NIV
Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person. The Message.
This verse has really convicted me lately. Do not without good from those who deserve it. I’ve had to evaluate first whether or not I was guilty of withholding good…surely not you or me. Right?
When I started to think about the good I might be withholding I let myself off the hook, obviously the people around me don’t “deserve” the good I’m withholding. Look back at the verse, it says, “from those who deserve it”. So clearly the mandate of doing good isn’t to do good to everyone. Every find yourself thinking along these lines…”of course I could help you out with what you need, but I’m not quite sure you’ll learn the lesson if I bail you out”? I have found myself thinking that way before.
Thankfully, God doesn’t think along those lines. He gave me the good I didn’t deserve way before I learned any lessons or proved my ability to grow in deserving it.
Here is what I’ve trying to understand and implement-
Good is so complex.
It is food to the hungry,
it is a hug to the depressed,
it is help to the busy,
it is babysitting to the single mom,
it is encouragement to my friends,
it is time to my dad,
it is playing catch to my son,
it is reading books with one daughter and wrestling with the other one,
it is acknowledgment and time with my wife.
You see the good I could do, is different with the different people I find in my life. It is complex, but it isn’t hard to do. To do good isn’t going to solve everyone else’s problems. That is what most pastors and Christians try to do for each other. We try to fix everything. How about this? Let’s quit trying to fix everything and each other. Instead let’s do the next good thing- it is in our power to act.
What is a good you could do today for someone? Share the story if you want.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sabbatical Part 1
At the church I serve at there is a policy in place that a Pastor on staff for 7 years must take an 8 week sabbatical. Today my sabbatical ended. I wanted to share a few experiences and funny stories from my time away now that its over.
I started my sabbatical on May 15, by taking my wife, Kristi, to San Francisco for 5 days. It was a great trip to get away. We stayed at a boutique hotel across the street from Fisherman's Warf. We did all the tourist type stuff you hear about in San Fran. We went to Alcatraz (in the rain no less), we rode bikes over the Golden Gate Bridge. We rode cable cars, we ate at local restaurants, we found an Irish pub and tried their "world famous" Irish coffee. It was an awesome way to begin a season of rest and renewal.
After all these years of marriage and ministry it was incredible to spend time with my wife and realize we both still enjoy each other's company. If you said I could go to a new city and explore it for a few days, I wouldn't pick anyone else on this planet to accompany me. I'm pretty sure, she'd still pick me as well. I will never forget my first trip to San Francisco and the incredible woman who made the trip wonderful and adventurous.
The trip itself really didn't feel like anything other than a cool vacation. What was really bizarre was coming home from a trip like that and not going back to work. I didn't even check my work email....weird. I began to think about work a couple of times that first week home and realized that the church was pretty successful before I showed up and would probably continue on after I leave, it could manage without my incredible gift and contribution for a few weeks.
I never found myself longing to be back at the office. Don't get me wrong I love my job, and I really love the people I'm surrounded by each and every day at CCV. They are a great church I worship with each and every day. I had a few plans for work related projects during my sabbatical. Pretty quickly I realized that if someone wants to do work projects they shouldn't take a sabbatical when their wife is off work and their 3 kids are out of school. So I found myself putting the work projects on the back burner.
One funny story from our San Francisco trip: Our first night in town we wanted something local to eat, but everything was packed. We finally found ourselves at the Boudin Sourdough Bread Factory. They have a sweet restaurant upstairs- so we get our table buzzer from the hostess and begin our wait for a table to open up. A fine-looking gentleman and his male companion (if you know what I mean) come walking up the stairs holding hands {Quick aside- it didn't bother me at all that these two "friends" chose to interlock their fingers while pursuing dinner that night, I was prepared for the "sights" of San Francisco and promised myself I wouldn't stare too long if anything weird starting happening} …back to the story- I see these walk up and I look away to practice my promise of not staring...when I realize one of the guys is staring at me. I look over and my friend is looking right at me. At that moment I do what any other guy would do if a guy were looking at him (outside of San Francisco) I give him the "hey what's up dude?" head nod.
Well lets just say in San Francisco the "hey what's up dude" head nod, is a secret code for, "why don't you look me over like a piece of meat 3 or 4 times.
I have to be honest I didn't really expect to be checked out in such an obvious manner. I'm used to people checking me out being a bit more subtle. Kristi thought is was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Especially the way my face turned red, and I had no idea what to do. She said I looked like a big cuddly teddy-bear, to that little bitty skinny fella.
More sabbatical learning and experiences to follow.
I started my sabbatical on May 15, by taking my wife, Kristi, to San Francisco for 5 days. It was a great trip to get away. We stayed at a boutique hotel across the street from Fisherman's Warf. We did all the tourist type stuff you hear about in San Fran. We went to Alcatraz (in the rain no less), we rode bikes over the Golden Gate Bridge. We rode cable cars, we ate at local restaurants, we found an Irish pub and tried their "world famous" Irish coffee. It was an awesome way to begin a season of rest and renewal.
After all these years of marriage and ministry it was incredible to spend time with my wife and realize we both still enjoy each other's company. If you said I could go to a new city and explore it for a few days, I wouldn't pick anyone else on this planet to accompany me. I'm pretty sure, she'd still pick me as well. I will never forget my first trip to San Francisco and the incredible woman who made the trip wonderful and adventurous.
The trip itself really didn't feel like anything other than a cool vacation. What was really bizarre was coming home from a trip like that and not going back to work. I didn't even check my work email....weird. I began to think about work a couple of times that first week home and realized that the church was pretty successful before I showed up and would probably continue on after I leave, it could manage without my incredible gift and contribution for a few weeks.
I never found myself longing to be back at the office. Don't get me wrong I love my job, and I really love the people I'm surrounded by each and every day at CCV. They are a great church I worship with each and every day. I had a few plans for work related projects during my sabbatical. Pretty quickly I realized that if someone wants to do work projects they shouldn't take a sabbatical when their wife is off work and their 3 kids are out of school. So I found myself putting the work projects on the back burner.
One funny story from our San Francisco trip: Our first night in town we wanted something local to eat, but everything was packed. We finally found ourselves at the Boudin Sourdough Bread Factory. They have a sweet restaurant upstairs- so we get our table buzzer from the hostess and begin our wait for a table to open up. A fine-looking gentleman and his male companion (if you know what I mean) come walking up the stairs holding hands {Quick aside- it didn't bother me at all that these two "friends" chose to interlock their fingers while pursuing dinner that night, I was prepared for the "sights" of San Francisco and promised myself I wouldn't stare too long if anything weird starting happening} …back to the story- I see these walk up and I look away to practice my promise of not staring...when I realize one of the guys is staring at me. I look over and my friend is looking right at me. At that moment I do what any other guy would do if a guy were looking at him (outside of San Francisco) I give him the "hey what's up dude?" head nod.
Well lets just say in San Francisco the "hey what's up dude" head nod, is a secret code for, "why don't you look me over like a piece of meat 3 or 4 times.
I have to be honest I didn't really expect to be checked out in such an obvious manner. I'm used to people checking me out being a bit more subtle. Kristi thought is was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Especially the way my face turned red, and I had no idea what to do. She said I looked like a big cuddly teddy-bear, to that little bitty skinny fella.
More sabbatical learning and experiences to follow.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Proverbs 2 The Path
Two verses stick out to me from Proverbs 2-
:9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair--every good path.
:20 Thus you will walk in the ways of good men and keep to the paths of the righteous.
These verses both talk about "The Path". I love the journey, adventure, and path metaphors for life. As a man paths and adventures are much more appealing than relationship language. I'm glad Solomon seems to agree with me here, but I digress.
If life is a journey then the path makes all the difference.
Have you ever been on a journey a hike, or a drive on a bad path? If you've ever driven through Oklahoma, you have. The path makes a real difference.
Much like a road trip, you and I get to chose our path in life. Living properly makes life so much easier and the path is often enjoyable.
This is the benefit of Wisdom. How do we get this Wisdom? Good question- look at verses 1-4 of chapter 2.
Put the anwer in your own words- how do we get Wisdom?
Also, what does it mean to you to "live properly", describe...
:9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair--every good path.
:20 Thus you will walk in the ways of good men and keep to the paths of the righteous.
These verses both talk about "The Path". I love the journey, adventure, and path metaphors for life. As a man paths and adventures are much more appealing than relationship language. I'm glad Solomon seems to agree with me here, but I digress.
If life is a journey then the path makes all the difference.
Have you ever been on a journey a hike, or a drive on a bad path? If you've ever driven through Oklahoma, you have. The path makes a real difference.
Much like a road trip, you and I get to chose our path in life. Living properly makes life so much easier and the path is often enjoyable.
This is the benefit of Wisdom. How do we get this Wisdom? Good question- look at verses 1-4 of chapter 2.
Put the anwer in your own words- how do we get Wisdom?
Also, what does it mean to you to "live properly", describe...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
At Ease
Proverbs 1:33 says, "whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm".
The phrase "at ease" is the one that grabs my attention every time. What does it mean to live at ease? What would a life at ease look like? How would my life be different if it were at ease? What would yours look like?
Ease has a dictionary definition, just to review here it is:
I know many people who aren't at ease myself included. Why is it that some people live in safety, are at ease and have relatively little fear of harm. What's the difference between those people and the rest of us.
I know that safety, ease and harm are sometimes out of one's control. Life brings about situations and harm beyond our control. I'm not going to speak on those subjects.
Most days ease alludes me. I feel pressure, stress, and depression more often than I want to ever admit. I find myself worried and wondering about the "what ifs" of life. I am concerned, I am anxious, I don't have a quiet state of mind. Most days, I don't even know what solicitude means.
So what's the answer? Proverbs says the answer is listening to the wisdom of God.
Ok that sounds simple, but what does that even mean or look like? Surely I can't just put the Bible on my Ipod, listen to the wisdom of God and all my problems go away? Surely not.
I do think that living at ease starts with listening and understanding the ways of God. There is no other source for understanding the ways of God than the Bible. Here is the big jump that we often don't make. Living out the Bible. Or more directly, living out the wisdom of God found in the Bible. For many of us the question isn't how much we know about the Bible, its a question of how much of the Bible am I living out. I'm not saying truth or wisdom is only found in the Bible, of course not, but how often though do we turn somewhere else first?
Here's what I mean- when the everyday situations of life come up. Kids are acting up, spouse isn't doing what I want her to do, boss isn't giving you the recognition you deserve...you get the picture. Where do you and I turn for answers? More often than not I think we turn to "Christian" sources if we are a believer and to the latest self-help guide/guru if the Christian stuff doesn't work. How often are we turning to Scripture to address the every day issues of life?
There is nothing wrong with the latest parenting or marriage book at your local bookstore. There is nothing wrong with your friends' advice. There is nothing wrong with what Glen Beck or Dr. Phil say. But I want to challenge you to turn to Scripture and the Wisdom of God as your first response to your next crisis. Compare your "at ease" level to your last crisis.
Don't know where to start- try Proverbs.
What are some Scripture that have helped you in the past? Post them in a response!
The phrase "at ease" is the one that grabs my attention every time. What does it mean to live at ease? What would a life at ease look like? How would my life be different if it were at ease? What would yours look like?
Ease has a dictionary definition, just to review here it is:
freedom from concern, anxiety, solicitude, a quiet state of mind
I know many people who aren't at ease myself included. Why is it that some people live in safety, are at ease and have relatively little fear of harm. What's the difference between those people and the rest of us.
I know that safety, ease and harm are sometimes out of one's control. Life brings about situations and harm beyond our control. I'm not going to speak on those subjects.
Most days ease alludes me. I feel pressure, stress, and depression more often than I want to ever admit. I find myself worried and wondering about the "what ifs" of life. I am concerned, I am anxious, I don't have a quiet state of mind. Most days, I don't even know what solicitude means.
So what's the answer? Proverbs says the answer is listening to the wisdom of God.
Ok that sounds simple, but what does that even mean or look like? Surely I can't just put the Bible on my Ipod, listen to the wisdom of God and all my problems go away? Surely not.
I do think that living at ease starts with listening and understanding the ways of God. There is no other source for understanding the ways of God than the Bible. Here is the big jump that we often don't make. Living out the Bible. Or more directly, living out the wisdom of God found in the Bible. For many of us the question isn't how much we know about the Bible, its a question of how much of the Bible am I living out. I'm not saying truth or wisdom is only found in the Bible, of course not, but how often though do we turn somewhere else first?
Here's what I mean- when the everyday situations of life come up. Kids are acting up, spouse isn't doing what I want her to do, boss isn't giving you the recognition you deserve...you get the picture. Where do you and I turn for answers? More often than not I think we turn to "Christian" sources if we are a believer and to the latest self-help guide/guru if the Christian stuff doesn't work. How often are we turning to Scripture to address the every day issues of life?
There is nothing wrong with the latest parenting or marriage book at your local bookstore. There is nothing wrong with your friends' advice. There is nothing wrong with what Glen Beck or Dr. Phil say. But I want to challenge you to turn to Scripture and the Wisdom of God as your first response to your next crisis. Compare your "at ease" level to your last crisis.
Don't know where to start- try Proverbs.
What are some Scripture that have helped you in the past? Post them in a response!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Newest book on self-help
I've read a great book recently that is going to change the world.
I went through the self-help section of my local book store and couldn't find it.
I went to Amazon and typed in leadership and it didn't show up there either.
You may have a hard time finding it yourself, so your welcome for sharing about it here.
As I've renewed my own interest in closing the gaps that exist between who I am and who I want to be, I think I've stumbled across a book which will help me in this journey.
The next few weeks, as I take up this blogging thing again, I'm going to focus my thoughts from this incredible book.
During a recent season of reflection I realized that everything I struggle with is addressed in this one book.
I also realized the situations most other people struggle through are addressed in this book as well.
I hope you find this book as helpful as I have. I hope my thoughts and questions lead you in a positive direction.
The book of Proverbs opens with this claim:
As I've been reading Proverbs I've come to realize that all the things I wish were different, really can be. Join me as I look at this challenging book through the lens of gaps and how we can all close the gap between where we are and where we want to go!
I went through the self-help section of my local book store and couldn't find it.
I went to Amazon and typed in leadership and it didn't show up there either.
You may have a hard time finding it yourself, so your welcome for sharing about it here.
As I've renewed my own interest in closing the gaps that exist between who I am and who I want to be, I think I've stumbled across a book which will help me in this journey.
The next few weeks, as I take up this blogging thing again, I'm going to focus my thoughts from this incredible book.
During a recent season of reflection I realized that everything I struggle with is addressed in this one book.
I also realized the situations most other people struggle through are addressed in this book as well.
I hope you find this book as helpful as I have. I hope my thoughts and questions lead you in a positive direction.
The book of Proverbs opens with this claim:
"for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life; doing what is right and just and fair..."
As I've been reading Proverbs I've come to realize that all the things I wish were different, really can be. Join me as I look at this challenging book through the lens of gaps and how we can all close the gap between where we are and where we want to go!
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