Thursday, January 19, 2012

Proverbs 19

"A foolish son is his father's ruin"
"A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping"

If you are any thing like me you read a verse like this one and you start thinking about how your son and wife need to change. I go down a line of thought that is something like, "you better stop being foolish, the Bible says so" or "woman if you argue with me one more time..."

Sometimes I wonder what the inner dialogue of foolish sons and quarrelsome wives sound like when they read these verses?

Too often it is easier to read any sort of information and project it onto the people we know who need to change. You and I both know lots of people who fit into one of the two categories listed in this verse don't we? The constant challenge is to let God's Wisdom speak to me and not spend my time and energy worrying about how other people need to change.

I have to continually take stock and ask if I've been foolish or quarrelsome. I don't want to be either but I often find myself living under those very descriptions. Sometimes just stopping to realize that's how I'm behaving is enough to get me to change course. How about you? What helps you avoid foolish or quarrelsome behavior?

The one thing I always try to practice is waiting to act or even react. I save myself so much pain and heartache when I don't react immediately to negative people or circumstances. One practice that helps me tremendously in this area is writing emails to people and then deleting them before I send them. Its very therapeutic for me- try it sometime. If someone is making you angry or disappointing you tell them all about it and then burn the paper or delete the email. Sending it won't really help the situation anyway.

If you and I aren't proactive and intentional in this life we will continue to be called foolish and quarrelsome. I'd rather be known as patient and wise...but I know those labels aren't given out for free they are the result of a life lived intentionally for God the Father. Thankfully his Son Jesus closed the gaps between my foolishness and God's Wisdom.

1 comment:

BobCat reed said...

just make sure you don't address the email in case you accidentally hit send!

Great stuff.

I often find myself reading proverbs or listening to sermons and think of those in my life that need to hear it or learn from it.

But the number 1 person who always needs to hear it is me.

Thanks for sharing.