Saturday, January 14, 2012

Proverbs 14

"A heart at peace gives life to the body but envy rots the bones."
I always strikes me that God's word and the wisdom found in it are usually proved accurate by science. We all know that stress cause health issues and can ruin a perfectly good life. God knew it too-- a long time ago. I often discount how much better life God's way is in comparison to what we usually try to live. Here is the Reed translation of Proverbs 13:30 is, "you will be healthier if you choose to live without envy". 

Maybe its not that simple, but maybe it is. I'm not blaming the flu or cancer on stress and envy. But how much damage do we do living the life of the "fool"? You and I need to start taking the Wisdom found in this book and put it into our lives. Everything will be better, maybe even our blood pressure! 

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