Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"
Well that doesn't sound too exciting or happy. I'm sure Pastor Osteen won't be preaching on this passage anytime soon. So what does that verse and many others tell us about our hearts?
First of all scripture generally uses the word "heart" to talk about our emotions, not our actual physical blood pumping heart. The actual blood pumping heart is actually very trustworthy and reliable, our emotions- not so much.
Because our emotions are un-reliable we must learn how to lead our them instead of following them. Too many people base their decisions and actions upon their emotions not their will. How many times have you heard someone say, "I'm just not in love anymore." What they are saying is that their heart just isn't in the relationship. Why do our emotions lead us down paths we would never chose to go down. I think it comes down to the simple principle of investment.
What is the principle of investment? Jesus said, where your treasure is that is where your heart is. Your heart will follow your investments. If you spend your time and energy all on your kids, you will love them more than your spouse, at work, on a hobby, at the mall, and with that co-worker who just gets you better than your spouse does. Maybe if you talked to your spouse and invested time and energy into him or her, they would "get" you like the co-worker does.
The main point here is that your heart follows your investment (got that from the Love Dare book). If we don't love our spouse it’s because we have invested our heart elsewhere. Start investing again, go for a walk together. Lot's of people have date nights- husbands you should be planning those nights not your wife. Date night is sorta like holding the door open, men are suppose to do those things. Your heart will follow your lead, where are you leading your heart?
Kristi and I have lunch together every Thursday. We have date nights on a random basis. We spend 3-4 evenings alone doing something together once our kids are in bed. What are some ways you are investing in your marriage? How does this principle apply to singles?
1 comment:
Conversely there are people that are too led by their head, and not enough by their emotions/passion. I have a problem with trying to detach myself from my emotions so as to avoid pain.
Values must lead you, you're right, but I think sometimes emotion informs our values more than we'd like to admit.
For singles I think its a matter of pre-deciding upon boundaries... emotional/physical/relational and viewing those as a way of protecting your heart.
But what do I know? I'm manipulative... ;)
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