I don't know a lot about marriage or relationships in general, but I have learned this:
To get to the Bliss you have to work through the Blisters.
When you get a blister, what is your normal response?
If you keep doing the same things that gave you that blister, will it get better? Probably not. If you don't change your shoes, your wet socks, or at least apply a band-aid to the blistered region you aren't going to allow for a blister on your foot to heal.
What I see in marriage over and over again are people who claim to love each other, who are still wearing the wet socks that give them blisters. They don't change the behaviors that are damaging their spouse or their kids. Marriage is hard work, and a good marriage is really hard work.
I am so blessed to have an incredible wife. She decided long ago to never settle, to never let the things that were bothering her in our marriage to go un-addressed. She is probably the most wise person I know. I have not made many decisions these past 16 years that Kristi didn't make better. She is one of the most authentic people I know. I am incredibly grateful for Kristi as we have moved along this path of life. I am a better person today because of her. I hope she can say the same.
We would have never gotten to this Bliss without the Blisters. Thank you God for Kristi. Thank you Kristi for 16 years. Let's kick some butt these next 16.
1 comment:
Oh good grief. I'm crying. It's not true what they say, Chris you ARE a good guy!!
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