Monday, June 16, 2008

What causes the gaps?

I think the logical place to start this adventure is to look at what causes the gap between who I am and who I want to be.
Have you ever heard someone say "she had so much potential."?
In sports you clearly have two groups of people the talented and the hard working. Story after story exists of some kid with all the gifts and abilities but he never makes it the Big Leagues. Why?
Unrealized potential. Gaps.
More rare are the stories of someone with less than ideal talent who makes it to the top. Think Steve Nash.
What's the difference?

I really believe the difference between where I am and where I want to be is discipline. Maybe for you it's something different but for me discipline feels like a good description.
If Steve Nash lacked discpline would he have won 2 MVP awards on his talent? Highly unlikely.

I'm the type of person who has MVP potential w/out MVP discipline. Anyone else like that?

The saddest thing would be to get to the and look back and see all the potential had been wasted and the work to close these gaps was never undertaken.

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